From the lack of citations to the ignorant male perspective, this story is missing a lot.
You clearly don't know what fawning is, why women are afraid to say no, or how often girls are sexually assaulted (yes, even by your standards) before they turn 15.
Sex Ed does not typically focus on adults in long term relationships, where consent can be nuanced. It's for kids who might have casual encounters or new relationships - where consent should be more explicit. Because there is a problem here that is obvious to women, but not some men, apparently.
If a girl is lying next to her boyfriend, and he takes it upon himself to initiate sex, she may not feel comfortable saying no for a LOT of reasons. Especially if she said no to him in the past, or previously stated she "wasn't ready."
So her lying there silently while her boyfriend does what he wants, is consent? No. It absolutely is not.